The Skinny on My Workout Routine

Hi friends!

Since I shared my workout philosophy and favorite workout gear last week, I’d like to share more about my  workout routine with you all. So here is the skinny!

How much do I workout?

I workout 5 or 6 times each week. My workouts range from 25 minutes on an elliptical to 90 minutes of cardio and weights. Usually, my workout is in the middle of those two ranges–about 50 minutes.

What’s my typical type of workout?

Each week, I do at least one HIIT class at Orangetheory. The rest of the time my workouts include running around my neighborhood, doing cardio at the gym (mostly treadmill or elliptical), weights at the gym and at-home, weight-free exercises. It’s a bit of an eclectic mix, but I will cater my workouts to what works best for my schedule. The average week in workouts looks like: 1 Orangetheory class, 2 runs outside and 2 gym workouts and 1 home workout. The weight-free exercises I do at home consists of an array of exercises I have found on Pinterest and YouTube. If you haven’t checked out Blogilates or Tone it Up on YouTube, definitely check them out.

How did I work up to my current routine?

When I decided I needed to workout more a couple of years ago, I began by setting goals. I made a running mileage goal for the year and calculated what that equated in miles to run each month. I track my monthly goals on the Nike+ Run Club app. As I mentioned last week, I currently aim to run at least 60 miles each month. My goal began with 42 miles per month and 500 miles in one year. I am goal-oriented by nature. For me having monthly goals, as opposed to a weekly goal,work best. It gives me the leeway to have a light week if my schedule is crazy, and then make that up the following week.

What’s my secret to staying motivated and on track?

The most effective way to keep myself motivated is by putting my workouts in my calendar and planning at the beginning of the week when I will workout. Having that game plan in my mind helps keep me on track, and getting calendar reminders about my workouts keeps me feeling motivated. Pinterest is another key way I find motivation. About once a week I look at workout tips or workout clothes on there, and pin my favorites. Reading magazines about healthy living, also keeps me motivated. Lastly, I track how many miles I run on my shoes with my Nike app and reward myself with new shoes and new workout clothes when I hit 350 miles in my shoes.

I hope this insight is helpful for you. Of course, this is the routine and the things that work for me. Some of my routine may not make sense for you, and that’s totally fine. If you’re trying to get into a better workout routine, my advice is to be realistic with yourself about what will work for you and don’t be afraid to try different routines to discover what you like best.

I’d love to hear what your workout routine is like and if your routine has any similarities or differences from mine. If you have any questions or would like more information about any of my workout, just let me know and I’ll give you the scoop.


Sarah Camille

3 thoughts on “The Skinny on My Workout Routine

  1. Jessica Lam says:

    I used to go to the gym everyday but now I find myself going once a week. I tried putting it in my calendar but I always seem to find an excuse to skip it lol! 🙁

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