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Making 2017 Plans with my Erin Condren Planner

What if I told you you’re 42% more likely to acheive your New Year’s resolutions if you wrote them down?

Well this is true, according to a recent study. In fact, if you are serious about acheiving your 2017 resolutions or goals, I’d encourage you to get a planner and write down different sub-goals or supporting goals on your calendar that will lead to your acheivement.

During the later half of last year when I was job searching, I got into a weekly rhythm of looking at my week or weeks ahead, creating to-do lists and writing down goals or plans. I began doing this at the beginning of the week and realized just how helpful that time was in keeping myself focused on the tasks I wanted to accomplish.

As a part of this routine, I wrote down my to-dos, reminders, events, etc. in an agenda I got from Target. While this agenda worked fine and had the main layout one needs in an agenda, I started thinking last month about getting a fancier 2017 agenda to help me continue this planning routine into the New Year.

So, of course, I dove into a blackhole of internet research for hundreds of planners and agendas. It was really annoying to me that so many agendas started in August 2016 and continued to December 2017. I mean I am not the only person who is not in school that uses a planner, right? And then, these companies are making agendas that end in December.. so wouldn’t they also make ones that start in January? Anyway, I digress. I finally decided on getting the Erin Condren LifePlanner™.

I really liked the design of the LifePlanner, the different layouts and how customizable it was. For my planner, I chose the 12-month calendar and the “in bloom gold metallic” design for the front/back cover. Then, I chose the vertical layout (pictured below) with the colorful theme. I also chose to add-on a to-do list dashboard that snaps into my planner. The great thing about this dashboard is that it can be moved to a different page of your planner and can be easily reused throughout the year because you use wet erase (or dry erase) markers on it.

Overall, I am enjoying this planner so far and would recommend it to anyone. The biggest downside is the price, which is high compared to traditional planners, especially if you start adding several accessories for the planner to your cart. However, if getting a stylish and personalized planner will entice you to use your planner regularly and keep you focused on the things you want to accomplish, then it is definitely worth it in my mind. The planner comes with a lot of stickers, as well. I’m not sure how much I’ll actually end up using them, but I know that might be a big plus for some. Erin Condren also has tons of office accessories, notebooks and other planners for specific things like making lesson plans for school or wedding planning.

In general, I just find it so refreshing to write things down on paper. Electronic calendars can definitely be useful, but there’s something about writing a goal down that makes it stick. If you have a favorite planner, I’d love to hear about it.

Here’s to everyone acheiving their goals in 2017 – cheers!


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