Starting Something New


Do you write a to-do list, find a coach or make a public declaration on Facebook?

Do you start on a Wednesday or a Sunday or on a Monday at midnight?

Do you make a plan with goals or do you jump right on in?

Starting something new is one of those seemingly simple things, but for me “simple things” like this have always been more complicated than answering my questions above. For me it is about understanding why I am doing something, recognizing the challenges I’ll face and reassuring myself that I can do it.

So… here we go!

I have thought about writing a blog and sharing my voice for years. For several reasons, the timing didn’t feel right. And while I don’t believe in perfect timing, I feel that I now have the time to focus on this passion of mine and let it grow.

My hope is to create a place in the blogosphere over the next year that brings a positive light to other women, through the sharing of tips, advice, motivation and thoughts about the things that make up our lives.

Let’s see where this takes us!!

-Sarah Camille

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